Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO):
Mrs Nicky Watson
Telephone: 01344 424911
Email: GHPSoffice@maidenerleghtrust.org
Please click this link for our SEND Information Report 2024-25 (Draft Version)
Please find below links to some really useful parent/carer videos for families/carers who are supporting children and young people with ADHD and Autism.
1. Animations that have been made by a parent/carer charity in West Sussex in association with a small film company. Thanks to funding from West Sussex County Council, Reaching Families have designed a number of animations on various issues related to children with SEND.
2. New animation series on YouTube from Oxfordshire Health Foundation Trust (second link is the series via YouTube)
A parents' guide to supporting children and young people: ADHD and autism - YouTube
SEN Support for Parents from our Local Authority