Times Tables
Multiplication and times tables knowledge is a vital tool for success in many forms of maths such as algebra, division, fractions, percentages and decimals and quick mental maths calculations.
We hope you find these resources helpful in supporting your child at home with their times tables.
https://play.ttrockstars.com/ - All the children will have their own unique login information for Times Tables Rockstars - this can be found in their home learning diaries.
Flash Cards
Times Tables Printable Flash Cards
Web Links
https://www.pixl.org.uk/ - All children have a login for the PiXL app in the front of their diaries (if you need this again please ask your child's teacher).
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwyVRKfytvjSF6q5s7noKZQ - Mr Demaio on YouTube has a variety of songs to help your child learn their times tables.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers - Get your child moving as well as learn their times tables by visiting Super Movers.
www.timestables.co.uk has a variety of resources to help your child learn their tables and increase their fluency and rapid recall.
https://www.twinkl.co.uk/search - lots of searchable resources that can be accessed for free.